AQUA-HOT Photo Disc WPX-887-71A



AQUA-HOT Photo Disc WPX-887-71A

AQUA-HOT Photo Disc WPX-887-71A

The flame detection photocell is installed into the photo disc. When installing the Photo Disc take care not to over tigten or bend the photo disc. The photo disc should be loose so it will seal the combustion chamber properly.


How Aqua-Hot Hydronic RV Heating Systems Work

At its most basic level, Aqua-Hot hydronic heating uses tubing to run hot liquid into heat exchangers that disperse heated air into living areas. Coils, with potable water running through them, wrap around the boiler to transport hot water to faucets and appliances. A variety of heat sources are used depending on the system, but all use some combination of the vehicle’s engine surplus heat, diesel fuel or propane and AC shore power.

Benefits of Having Aqua-Hot Heating

Just what do RV owners find so superior about their Aqua-Hot system? Why do most insist they’ll never buy another RV without one? It’s simple – Six Wonderful Comfort Zones!

1. Even Heating – There are no hot or cold spots.
Aqua-Hot heating systems are in-floor with multiple heat zones throughout your RV. Each heat zone, up to five, is equipped with a sensor. When a heat zone drops below the temperature you’ve set, the heat exchanger automatically circulates moist heat from floor to ceiling and side to side ensuring your entire living area remains a comfortable consistent temperature.

2. Instant Hot Water – Hot water with zero recovery time.
Water is pumped from your water supply through piping that is heated in your Aqua-Hot unit and then delivered to your faucets. As long as you have an endless supply of water, the on-demand system delivers all the hot water you need for shower after shower, laundry and dishes.

3. Quiet Heating – System is whisper quiet when running.
Warm air flows into your living area through quiet, gently circulating fans, leaving you to enjoy only the noise of nature, giving you the perfect environment for a nap or good night’s sleep. Plus, the gentle circulation keeps your interior air pressure even, preventing existing interior heat from being forced out and lost through cracks around the doors or windows.

4. Fume Free Heating – Low emissions technology for odorless heat.
Advanced, low emission technology virtually eliminates fuel odor for you and your neighbors. Noxious fumes have no place in your RV on in nature, so breathe free.

5. Added value – Thousands of dollars of value added for resale.
NADA Recreation Vehicle Appraisal Guide (2013 edition) allows over $9k in value for an Aqua-Hot Heating System confirming an Aqua-Hot system to be a valuable addition to your coach or fifth wheel (2013 year models) when it comes time to sell and trade-up. Plus some of our systems offer an engine preheat option, cutting down on your engine wear and tear which is certainly added value for resale.

Once you experience an Aqua-Hot heating system, you’ll understand why nothing feels better than being in your Comfort Zone.

If You Want an Aqua-Hot Heating System

Aqua-Hot heating systems are installed at time of manufacturing. Most luxury coaches come standard equipped with an Aqua-hot heating system. Many other coaches offer the Aqua-Hot as an option. The fifth wheel market is a new and expanding market for us. If you’d like to have Aqua-Hot heating in your fifth wheel, please let your dealer know.